Sunday, April 18, 2010

A couple projects

So I started on my kids crayon rolls a few weeks ago and haven't been able to finish them so last week I finished everything I had to do and made a little time to work on some projects I have been wanting to make or finish making. So I finished the crayon rolls for the kids. Our portable dvd players have been on my mind since we bought them that I need to make a case for them so they dont get scratched or broken or anything so I figured I had better figure something out, so I got out some fabric and figured out how to make a case for one of them all by myself! I was so proud of myself for figuring it out, I usually need help with things and have trouble thinking things all the way through the first time but I thought of everything I would need and how to make it it turned out really good I thought. Then when I was done I was kinda searching through blogs to see if anyone had made one and couldn't find one then I came across a blog where a lady had made that both the dvd players would fit into so I might try and make one like hers also.

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