Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our trip to Canada!!

We uausally try to go up to Canada at least every 2 years to visit everyone. This year marisa got married so we figured it to be the perfect excuse to go up there! We love to go up there and see whats going on at the different farms and such! Kendall just loves farms, he totally should have been a farmer! He wishes we could move up there and have a farm of our own! That would be fun I wouldn't mind having a farm either! Kendall was mad that we had to leave before they went out and did all the haying, he wishes he could have helped!
The kids and Kendall had fun playing Jenga and building stuff with the blocks while we waited for the pizza, Marshall had lots of fun knocking down the things Kendall and Jenika built!

Milking time! While we were at Grandmas it was time for Merlins cows to be milked so we watched as the cows were brought in, it's amazing how fast they actually come in!

Kendall and the kids trying to feed the horse, it didn't want anything to do with them!

Jenika had tons of fun dancing at Marisa's wedding!! Malarie and Miranda did a good job of making sure she knew how to do the dances and had lots of fun!


Suz said...

Wow! That is a lot of stuff that you guys have done and summer is only half over! Fun stuff and keep up with the blog so I can see what is going on!

Garvey Family said...

Yay you finally posted! All your pictures are so cute! Looks like you all have been having lots of fun.

Sallyo said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Where in Canada did you go?

Debbie said...

Sally- we went to Cardston, Alberta! Kendalls grandma and cousins and aunts and uncles live there. We have fun when we go up there! What is your blog address?

Sallyo said...

Sounds like a great place to visit. I have relatives further up north, near Edmonton.
My blog address is