Sunday, July 19, 2009

4th of July Fun!!!

I love the 4th of July, it is always fun and it is great to remember all the different things our country and the people in it have gone through so that we can enjoy the life we live now and have the freedoms that we do have! I am very greatful for them all!! Grandma, and Granpa, Kristies family, Our family anf Kyles family all went to the parade in Clearfield, the kids had lots of fun and got lots of candy!
I just loved this picture of Marhsall he is such a cute little cheeser! He told me to take his picture, so I did and it turned out so good! (I went and bought the same shirt Hayden had for Marshall because I liked it so much, thank you Suzanne!!)

The kids running for candy!

We had a BBQ with my parents, my Aunt Vivian, Bodie and Jen at our house. The kids and I with their friend Rachel watching little fireworks that Bodie and Jen brought over before we went to big fireworks. We met Kendalls family there and I felt bad because I had previously bought my kids glow necklaces at the store a couple months before and all the other kids wanted me to give them one but I didn't want to be unfair to anyone so I didn't give any to anyone else. But I think I made up for it by handing out Sparklers and Watermelon!!

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