Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our trip to Canada!!

We uausally try to go up to Canada at least every 2 years to visit everyone. This year marisa got married so we figured it to be the perfect excuse to go up there! We love to go up there and see whats going on at the different farms and such! Kendall just loves farms, he totally should have been a farmer! He wishes we could move up there and have a farm of our own! That would be fun I wouldn't mind having a farm either! Kendall was mad that we had to leave before they went out and did all the haying, he wishes he could have helped!
The kids and Kendall had fun playing Jenga and building stuff with the blocks while we waited for the pizza, Marshall had lots of fun knocking down the things Kendall and Jenika built!

Milking time! While we were at Grandmas it was time for Merlins cows to be milked so we watched as the cows were brought in, it's amazing how fast they actually come in!

Kendall and the kids trying to feed the horse, it didn't want anything to do with them!

Jenika had tons of fun dancing at Marisa's wedding!! Malarie and Miranda did a good job of making sure she knew how to do the dances and had lots of fun!

Yellow Stone!

On our way home from Canada we dicided we were going to drive through Yellow Stone, I thought it would only take about 2 hours or so, boy was I wrong, 4 hours it took!! Little did we know that the "extra" time it would take to detour to Yellow Stone would add 7 hours to our journey home! While we were on the way in it was almost lunch time so I told Kendall we would get some food when we saw Old Faithful. It took way longer to drive through to Old Faithful than I thought, by the time we got there I was starving! Kendall was mad because some people were stopped on the side of the road looking at some kind of wildlife, he wanted to stop but I was so hungry I told him no, we need to just get there so we can eat, all he wanted was to see a bear so he kept complaining, "I swear that was a bear!" He would say, I didn't care I was hungry! So we finally got to old faithful, I got in line for food and sent Kendall over to find out what time old faithful ws due to go off, 15 minutes!!! So we didn't have time to get food before, I was dying so I grabbed the crackers out of the trunk and we walked over and waited for old faithful to go off. Half way through it's show we turned around and headed back for food before everyone else did. That hamburger tasted so good because I was just happy to finally eat!
The kids and I with the sign in the enterance of the park! One of the things we stopped and walked up to see. (I think this pic looks fake!)

The kids in the car driving through Yellow Stone

A big Elk we saw!


4th of July Fun!!!

I love the 4th of July, it is always fun and it is great to remember all the different things our country and the people in it have gone through so that we can enjoy the life we live now and have the freedoms that we do have! I am very greatful for them all!! Grandma, and Granpa, Kristies family, Our family anf Kyles family all went to the parade in Clearfield, the kids had lots of fun and got lots of candy!
I just loved this picture of Marhsall he is such a cute little cheeser! He told me to take his picture, so I did and it turned out so good! (I went and bought the same shirt Hayden had for Marshall because I liked it so much, thank you Suzanne!!)

The kids running for candy!

We had a BBQ with my parents, my Aunt Vivian, Bodie and Jen at our house. The kids and I with their friend Rachel watching little fireworks that Bodie and Jen brought over before we went to big fireworks. We met Kendalls family there and I felt bad because I had previously bought my kids glow necklaces at the store a couple months before and all the other kids wanted me to give them one but I didn't want to be unfair to anyone so I didn't give any to anyone else. But I think I made up for it by handing out Sparklers and Watermelon!!

Whole watta fun!!!

This year has been really hot so my kids have spent plenty of time enjoying the water to keep them cool!! Monday after we got back from Canada we were going to clean out our basement until Kendra called and asked us if we wanted to go swimming, we thought that was a better idea than cleaning out the basement so we went and had lots of fun! After swimming we went over to Kendra and Tony's and made smores. Marshall was helping Kendall roast all the marshmellows. Marshall didn't want to go into the pool at first he stayed right by us and wanted us to hold him, then he fell asleep so I had to float around on the tube and hold him while he slept. When he woke up he was ok with being in the water by himself, then he started really walking around onhis own, it was nice to have him like the water. When his feet would float up and he couldn't get them back down we taught him to say "help" it was so cute!

Jenika and Jayli had lots of fun together like they usually do!

Marshall and Jenika playing in the pool while Kendall and Gary installed the dissapearing river in front of Gary and Sandys (grandma, aand Grandpa) house! i cant believe it only took the 2 of them 3 days to build the whole thing, they did a really good job!

Running through the sprinkler in the yard!

When we went to the lake with Kendra and Tony and brought our little boat!! Marshall and Jenika liked to ride on the little boat with dad! Kendall did some wake boarding and was really good at it, Tony's nephew was on the tube and crashed way hard! It was fun!

Playing on the slip & slide Marshall got for his birthday from Aunt Kendra and Uncle Tony!