Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our fun little pizza making party!!
I was making pizza for dinner when Jenika came in and wanted to help so she jumped up there, washed her hands and started helping. She did so good all I had to do was roll out the dough and she did the rest. She had so much fun then Marshall came and started helping it was funny because he kept throwing the toppings at the pizza!! Marshall got a bunch of flour on his shirt and I was trying to take a picture of it so I was kneeling on the floor so he did, then I changed positons and he followed, then I stood up and kinda bent over sideways to take his picture so he did it was so cute!! And he made a mess out of himself!!

My Moms 50th birthday party!!!
This year was alot of fun because we threw her a surprise party. Every year we try to surprise her and it always get ruined, but this year we pulled it off and it was crucial because it was her 50th so it had to be the best surprise!!! We made her favorite mexican food and everyone waited in the church for them to arrive so we could start singing happy birthday when they walked in. It was awesome her face turned bright red!! I planned some games to play so we played pin the tail on the donkey, the balloon popping game and I made up a frisbee toss game. I think everyone had fun!!! Dede made the cake it was the shape of a 50 and it had 50 candles on it (Sandy informed us after we lit the candles you aren't supposed to light canldes in the church OOOOPPS!!) We had trick candles so it tokk her and all the kids helping her to get them to go out but not all of them would go out so we had to pull them off and put them in water, Lots of fun!!!

My toe
This is after I went to the foot Dr. and they had to remove my whole toe nail!! Gross huh?? It hurt so bad!!! It's doing alot better these days I just cant wait till the nail grows back!!

Draper Temple
The Temple was very pretty, I am glad that Kendra called and invited me to go with them. It was funny because I barely caught up with them because I parked in the wrong parking lot (they weren't marked) so we got on a different bus and went through the temple by ourselves, which wasn't too bad. Then at the end when we went into the church to get refreshments we ran into Kendra and her kids and Suzanne and her kids. It was nice to see them. Then we went outside to take pictures and it was way windy and Marshall wsa so mad at me about something I dont even know what and he kept hitting me. I wished I could have gone to lunch with them also but I had to go all the way back up to Ogden to go to the foot Dr.

1 comment:

Suz said...

We wish you could have gone to lunch to! That is fun that you did a big party for your mom. Looks like you had a big turn out too.