Sunday, April 18, 2010

Picnic table

The kids checking out the table that mom built!
I dont know how my pics always end up being backwards of how I want them to be. So anyways Kendall and I were in Home Depot one day and I saw a cute picnic table and told him I wanted him to figure out how to make one for the kids........Well little did I know I would be the one in the garage making it happen. So now not only am I addicted to sewing I am also liking playing with wood! I was blog searching as I do occasionally and found a blog called Knock off wood and saw the picnic table and instructions and dimensions on how to build it so I just couldn't resist and built the kids the picnic table. Needless to say they loved it!

The table all finished I just need to stain it!

Jenika and Grandpa watching us put it together

Kendall helping me

The wood after it was cut

The wood before it was cut and made into the table

A couple projects

So I started on my kids crayon rolls a few weeks ago and haven't been able to finish them so last week I finished everything I had to do and made a little time to work on some projects I have been wanting to make or finish making. So I finished the crayon rolls for the kids. Our portable dvd players have been on my mind since we bought them that I need to make a case for them so they dont get scratched or broken or anything so I figured I had better figure something out, so I got out some fabric and figured out how to make a case for one of them all by myself! I was so proud of myself for figuring it out, I usually need help with things and have trouble thinking things all the way through the first time but I thought of everything I would need and how to make it it turned out really good I thought. Then when I was done I was kinda searching through blogs to see if anyone had made one and couldn't find one then I came across a blog where a lady had made that both the dvd players would fit into so I might try and make one like hers also.


This Easter was lots of fun, some cousins came to visit. All the kids dyed Easter eggs and had dinner and an Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Weavers house. The kids also did the South Weber Easter egg hunt, Marshall got quite a few eggs this year and got a ticket to pick a prize, he picked a 4 pack of small squirt guns and everyone had fun with them. We also went to Uncle Davids new house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. Jenika was so excited that she got her very own Book of Mormon for Easter when she saw it she screamed out "Scriptures!!" it was so cute! The kids got a couple toys and new church clothes. After the egg hunt at our house was over we explained why we have Easter to the kids, then we watched conference on tv.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun little projects

My kids are getting a little crazy lately with it almost being warm enough to actually go outside and wanting to go outside and with Kaycie's arrival they are trying to push the boundaries but I'm trying to find ways to keep them busy and behave. So I saw soome pipecleaners at the store and decided to buy some to do projects with so we did. I felt like a clown making balloon characters, with all the mom make me this or do u know how to make that! I made some cute flowers, butterflies, turtles, and glasses! ( a few other things I cant remember)

Jenikas 5th birthday

Jenika is 5 years old now, I dont know where the time went so fast! We had our families and a couple friends over for a small birthday party since Kaycie was only a week old and Mom was still recouperating! ( I should say Dad was recouperating also because everytime I have a baby it just wears him out, I'm not totally sure why Mom's the one who did all the work!) Jenika got lots of fun stuff and loved having the family over! I made Jenika a cute little birthday crown for her to wear that she was so excited about.

Kaycie Jane

Getting ready to go home
All buckled up

Our family of 5!

Right after delivery

Our newest addition to the family is our cute baby girl Kaycie Jane Weaver. She was due the same day as her big sister Jenika just 5 years later, but since our excellent doctor allows you to schedule a delivery 1 week early so we did. We all thought she would come a little earlier than the scheduled date but she wanted to stay put till her scheduled date when we made the decision for her! We went in at 6:00 in the morning on February 23rd, her birth was absolutely perfect despite my being nervous I had a couple preisthood blessing by Kendall and his Dad which made me less nervous and I felt tons better it's amazing how much those blessings really help I am so glad to be able to recieve them. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. was 19.5 inches and arrived at 12:35 p.m. Kaycie didn't favor her brother or her sister much, she made her way right down the middle. Jenika was born at 12:12 so Kaycie adopted being born at 12 and her brother was born at 6:35 so she adopted the :35 to make her own 12:35 arrival time! Jenika was born at 19 inches and Marshall was born at 19 3/4 inches so Kaycie squeezed in the middle at 19 1/2 inches. She topped them all on weight when she weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. her brother was 7 lbs. 1 oz and her sister was 6 lbs. 14 oz. Some of the similarities are amazing! . Kaycie has fit right into the family just perfectly and watching her grow is just so fun. Giving life to a child is truely a great blessing and miracle, I am so glad to have all of my children they are so fun and so funny!! It is also really great to have the 2 girls born a week apart from each other because now Kaycie wears all of Jenikas clothes for all the right seasons, just perfect and a big money saver! We are so blessed and greatful for everything!